What do a Super Bowl Ring, Brain Cancer and a Dead Puppy have in common?

What do a Super Bowl ring, brain cancer, and a dead puppy have in common? They ALL landed in my week this week. It has been epic. Epic as in amazing and horrible all at the same time. I feel like I have been on the most intense dollar-coaster ride and am ready to get off, and throw up.

This week:

  • Spoke at a work event, shared where my passion for my work comes from and got to try on a Super Bowl Ring.
  • Found out a mom I have been volunteering all year with has inoperable brain tumors, plural. She has been sick all year.
  • Mended a year long rift in a 40-year-old relationship to see if I could get the mom with the brain tumors help…
  • Attended a dinner where I have been selected as a promising leader and will get guidance in how to in rise faster in my chosen career.
  • Helped coordinate a fundraising party with a martial arts instructor who is amazing.
  • Came home, ready to leave for my son’s state competition with my family, only to find in the 8 minutes we were home, our 3-month-old puppy got out, got hit by a car, and died in my nine-year-old son’s arms. We stayed, buried him in a special place on our property, collected ourselves, and left for his competition.
  • Our puppy, RIP.Our puppy, RIP.
  • Attended younger son’s state competition, which his team won, they are off to Globals, and my husband has to leave on a business trip.
  • Tonight we light a lantern for our lost puppy.

What do you take from a week like this? I am thankful when I open my eyes that I am still here, still able to love and care for my family, friends and others. Still here to serve. God isn’t done with me yet.

All I ask now, is to keep giving and serving, as my heart is broken and only time will heal it.